Hi everyone! Last time I posted, we were trying to kick a crazy annoying sickness and all the sudden a month flew by! During that time I cut my hair. Correction, I cut my hair alllll off! And I am LOVING it! I know all you long-hair lovers out there are screaming “Why???” at your monitors, so let me tell you why. See in the picture above that fun curl I have going on? That’s all natural. Zero products were used. Now, if you go back to much older posts, you will notice I have stick straight hair. That was also all natural. Say what? My hair now, thanks to the whole baking a baby inside my body thing, has become wavy. The drastic hair cut was because my hair constantly looked like I had just taken my hair out of a ponytail. So I, eh my sister, cut all that straight stuff off!!! And when I got home from cutting it off, I picked up my little Maxwell, didn’t have to sweep my locks out of the way and knew I made an awesome decision. I’m loving the ease of my new do. I’ve always been jealous of anyone with wavy hair and I am over the moon about what I have going on right now!
All right, enough talk about my hair. Let’s talk about my lips! In my goals before 30, I wanted to find a fun lipstick. And a fun lipstick I found! Armed with my little sisters, I walked into MAC Cosmetics and declared to the girl in there that I needed a FUN lipstick. I have never worn lipstick before. (I have never been into wearing a lot of makeup–mostly from laziness), but you guys, I’ve been missing out! I’m a red lipstick-wearing girl now. Now I have one thing now checked off my list!
And in super-duper fun news… the next time I post, it will be on a brand new Lazy Saturdays! I’ve finally finished the new look and hopefully it will go live this week! Eeeek!!! So, if you happen to pop by and things look a little weird, just hang tight. We’re working over here, but I’ll let you know when it’s ready! I’m so excited!!